Citizen & Leadership Program Impact Report

Hurricane Matthew - 2nd Update
Columbia University and the Gingerbread Studio

Honors & Upwards
Elice’s testimony at 2015 Jazz Concert
Ladies and Gentlemen all around the room, I cannot find the words to describe how amazed and blessed I feel to be here, sharing with you, my story with HELP. So I thank Conor Bohan, Garry Delice and all you HELP supporters for giving me this golden opportunity.
An Evening of Jazz Performers
First KOREM Payment
HELP held our Annual Reception in Haiti on June 22nd, welcoming friends old and new for a historic event, the first contribution for the KOREM program from Ginel Dorleon. Since the 2010 incoming HELP students participate in the KOREM program, pledging to contribute 15% of their income for the first nine years of their careers after graduation.
HELP at Work: Andye Sanon
A Day of Presidents, Prizewinners and Promise
Inside HELP's Dorms
Volunteer Profile: Lydia Peyton Jones
Rainn Wilson & Holiday Reinhorn Visit HELP
Development Team Visits Haiti
HELP Me Code: Students Teaching Students
HELP Me Code is a club open to all HELP students interested in computer programming. Laura Dardignac, ESL Instructor, sat down with co-founder Auguste Jacquet (Business ‘16) and two club students, Adler Barreau, (Industrial Engineering ‘19) and Jean Marcelin Beaubrun (Computer Science ‘18) to find out more about this student initiative.
In remembrance
BazLa: Improving the Way HELP Serves Students
Alumna's Video Brings National Attention to Climate Change
“We’re in danger…now is the time to act,” the music urges as the camera swiftly pans above the russet mountains and dense verdure of the Kenscoff mountains, in a vibrant reminder of all that could be lost.Led by Daphnée Charles (Agro-Economics 2012), Program Officer with Panos Caribbean, the “Nou An Danje” (We are in Danger) video launched in November as a public service announcement meant to inspire citizens and political leaders to take urgent measures to adapt to climate change, slow environmental degradation, and preserve the country’s biodiversity.
Nephtaly Pierre’s "Voice of Youth"
Having the fortune to be raised by a single-mother who emphasized the importance of education, Nephtaly Pierre-Louis (Economics 2017) seized every educational opportunity that came his way. In primary and secondary school he excelled in all his classes, allowing him to attend the best schools in his home city of Jérémie on Haiti’s south-western peninsula. But it was not until he was accepted to HELP and began the leadership class that he was able to fully appreciate the values of civic responsibility and social entrepreneurship and their potential to transform his country.“Young people need to be made aware of how to engage with their community and the world of work,” he says.” We currently lack the framework to develop our potential and are too much like robots. We should be striving to be job creators not just job seekers.” This interest in policy has lead Nephtaly to seek opportunities to precipitate change amongst his peers.