Ymca Dolbrun

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Management ‘24

Ymca Dolbrun is determined to succeed. Originally from Port-au-Prince, Ymca had a fractured childhood. When she was young, her mother fell ill and left the city. Ymca remained with her father until age 12, when she moved to Gonaives to be with her mother. Despite the disruption to her education, Ymca remained focused in school and earned top grades. The director of her middle school was so impressed, that he offered to pay Ymca’s high school fees, since her mother could not afford the tuition. Ymca continued to excel, even when her mother’s illness meant she could no longer work, and her benefactor fell behind on tuition payments. “I had to be successful,” Ymca says, “for my mother, for myself.”

Now a HELP student, Ymca is studying management and hopes to support orphaned children after she graduates. “I received help to be here, so I want to help others in turn.” Ymca says she especially appreciates HELP’s career services and internship program. “It’s a great way to learn more and prepare for your career. If we take advantage of that, we will come out with a lot of experience.”

Ymca is currently one of three students sponsored by the Bernard Fils-Aimé Scholarship Fund, named after our late Board President and made possible by the generous commitment of his friends and family.

Without the support of our community of individual and institutional donors, HELP cannot run, let alone thrive. Your contribution empowers poor but promising Haitian youth to not only rise out of poverty, but take a leadership role in shaping their nation’s future.


Juste-Coeur Beaubrun