March 6, 2024 Update from Director Conor Bohan

Dear Friends,

If you are following the news this week from Port-au-Prince, you have heard of the increase in coordinated gang activity and the resulting deterioration of the already precarious public security. While much of the capital is controlled by these armed gangs, the area that houses the HELP campus and our partner universities continues to remain accessible, and students remain in the HELP dorms.

A delayed start to the 23/24 school year due to similar gang activity last fall meant that the second semester is scheduled to start this week and we hope to maintain that schedule. Over the past several years, thanks to your generous support, we have equipped and trained our staff to deliver the HELP curriculum (in English, computer literacy, and citizenship & leadership) via videoconference when instructors are not able to get to campus. Students attend these classes in the classrooms and computer lab.

Despite the inescapable tension and prevailing uncertainty in Port-au-Prince these days, HELP students are happy to be on campus with access to support from their peers and all the resources that your generosity allows us to provide.  Sophomore Casteland Derosier says, "Faced with the rampant social unrest, HELP has continued to provide advice on protecting ourselves and we have benefited from training sessions on first aid; I’ve learned a lot and my advisor provides help, advice, and encouragement. Knowing that I have this support motivates me to give my best and succeed." 

Junior Sabine Joseph says, “With HELP’s support I am able to be resilient, to continue to learn and progress despite the trials. I thank HELP and my sponsor for their support.”

Freshman Alween Alexis, who moved into the HELP dorm in January says, “I’m more motivated when I’m in the dorms. On campus, you see other students studying and you get motivation from this. When I’m at home, my neighborhood is extremely noisy. You hear fighting all day and night and I have to get up at 1am to study in peace.”  

Thanks to your support, HELP is able to provide Casteland, Sabine, Alween, and all 208 HELP students the support they deserve and the resources they need to prepare to take on the great challenge of transforming their country.  For more much-needed good news, you can follow our YouTube channel and social media accounts for stories about our students, alumni and staff.

Thank you, 



April 4, 2024 Update from Director Conor Bohan: “One Small Step at a Time”


Youveline Alce